Saturday 29 October 2011

Breif For College Magazine (Proposal)

For my student college magazine I believe I will aim the magazine at college students for Southdowns college; all years. I have chosen to aim the magazine at all years as I want to produce a magazine that includes an appeal for every student in the college. I have chosen to base my magazine on updates of activities, facilities and general up to date news within the college; I am aiming to produce a magazine which will appeal to students in the way in which every individual will always be informed on current occurrences in their college. 
When thinking of an appropriate magazine title, I wanted a name that would almost define what the magazine embedded. After debating on the title 'Current Col' which I thought would embrace the whole up to date feel of the magazine and the abbreviated 'Col' would reflect a student generation, I finally decided on 'Southdowns Supplement' which I believe defines exactly what my magazine holds. By including the name of the college that the magazine is based on expresses the target audience as well as what college the magazine is based on. By including the word 'Supplement' defines exactly what the magazine is; extra info, updates to inform college students. I want to include cover lines in my magazine which will persuade the potential reader to want to read my magazine. I was thinking of including cover lines which stated features within my magazine such as current competitions- giving students to win certain things. Another idea for a cover line was: 'Check out the new and improved car park!'

I'd like the colour scheme of my magazine to be very contrasting and bold which will hugely attract the target audience visually. I was thinking of using, red, green and purple fonts upon a white background; this would allow the colours to contrast and stand out from the white background. These colours are not colours which stereotypically appeal to either a male or a female therefore I believe they are suitable colours which appeal to both genders. I would like some of the text, preferably the most important text, to be in bold and capital letters to exaggerate what is being stated to persuade the target audience.

I am not certain that I want to use a tag line for my magazine just for the main fact that I am lacking ideas for one and also I don’t think it will make too much o f a difference to my magazine if I use one or not. If I was going to use one, it would appear under my title and will be something that sums up the magazine in a catchy and short phrase. However I feel that the title provides this therefore I do not think a tag-line would be completely necessary.

I would want my magazine to be published at the start of each academic year (September) because the magazine will be a fresh and updated welcome for students for the start of the year. It will include news of features that are new to the year such as the introducing new facilities or activities or just general news to the students. After the release of my magazine at the beginning of the new academic year, I would like my magazine to be published monthly; I believe this will be great for students as they will receive a regular update of the happenings in and round college. By doing this the magazine will include seasonal focuses for each current occasion e.g. Halloween, Christmas.

For the front cover of my magazine I would want to take my own image and I am going to make sure that it will be the unique selling point of my magazine. I will do this by taking an image that will be the main focus of my magazine; relating to the biggest story/article inside.

I want my magazine to be an A4 size as I believe the bigger the better. By creating my magazine in A4 size will allow me to include a lot of things in my magazine than I would having it been of a smaller dimension. I aiming to jam pack my magazine on all pages to make sure that I am including every possible feature which will appeal and relate to the target audience of my magazine, college students of all years.

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