Friday 30 March 2012

Q7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product?

Below is a PhotoSnack presentation I created to support the points on image and stylistic features made in all four parts of the video's above. Through the presentation, you can recognise the lack of editing skills on my main image for my student magazine in comparrison to the wide range of editing skills applied on the main image for my music magazine. You can also see general stylistic developments made from my initial task to my music magazine through text and layout/positioning. My music magazinefront cover has a lot more thought in response to my target audience and over-all is more attractive and appealing. Regardless of this, I am very glad that I created an initial task before my music magazine otherwise I would not have anything to develop and learn from to ensure I created the music magazine to the best of my ability.

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