After editing my final images appropriately, I added the images onto the mock up version I produced in the post below. I found that the images did not suit or fit around the text positioning which I designed on the mock version therefore I had to go ahead and make suitable changes to create the style and look of the contents which I wanted to achieve. I stuck to the original plan of positioning my main image of Tyra at the bottom of the page, situating her head to the right allowing her body to follow through to the left; however I did not choose to situate her more closely to the left hand side of the page. I made this decision as I wanted her legs to be positioned so they looked as if they were pushing up the 'S' and this wouldn't of been possible to do if I positioned Tyra more nearer the left margin.
I then positioned the subscription promotion feature at the bottom of the page instead of the top as due to the changes of positioning of Tyra, I felt that the bottom corner lacked in substance and I believed that the subscription feature would fulfill the space; I admired the positioning of it and thought it would be a good idea to keep it rotated to the left to upkeep the rotation theme of the 'S'. Whilst I was working at the production of the bottom of the page, I added the page number and reinforced the title name and design next to it, to upkeep this element like shown on the double page spread.
I then unrotated the features text on the right hand side of the page as I realised it did not look as I wanted it too; I felt that it looked to cluttered on the page. I also moved it slightly to the left so some of the words were displayed near her leg to upkeep the 'text situated around the image effect'. I then added my second image of my duo 'CLONED' above and inline with the features text. I added a white thick border to surround the image of 'CLONED' to contrast with the image of Tyra and to also reinforce the white colour scheme on the page contrasting with the yellow.
Lastly, I changed my original plan of positioning and font size and style of 'Inside the issue' and 'November 2012'. I added a space between each letter of 'Inside' and used Capital Letters, to emphasise the name and importance of the page. I then used italic font for 'this issue' and displayed it in a much smaller font than 'Inside'. I created a yellow font for 'this issue' to contrast with the white font used for 'Inside'. I then placed the date in a much small font to the left of the page; I rotated it 90 degrees and took away the shadow effect I created in my first mock up- I did this because I felt it looked cluttered and not as clear as it could be for consumers. I then considered the margins of the page- inside, outside, top and bottom. I created a small margin between the bottom of the page to the image of Tyra to really gain a 'laying down' effect of her presence and lined up the page number and title design to the bottom of her arm to gain a neat and accurate effect. I left a equal and an average size of space between the text/images and the inside and outside of the page and aimed to follow the same structure of margin space at the top of the page as to the bottom to gain an equal effect.
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