Monday 6 February 2012

Image development- Contents page;

I wanted to include a statement item for my artist to wear to suggest fashion, current and an 'out there look'. I was inspired by my influencial artist, Nicki Minaj from the usage of her shoes as a statement item. Below is an image of the shoes she was wearing in the images I uploaded previously; I was inspired by the colour of the shoes, the platform on them and the height. I tried to get as closest as I could by using the shoes below for my artist to wear in the image for my contents.

Here is an image of the shoes I want my original main artist, Tyra, to wear for the image on my contents page to suggest this 'out there' look and statement item effect;

Here is a photo of my original image taken of Tyra on my contents page;

As mentioned before, I wanted to create the same sort of style which is portrayed through Ciara on the VIBE contents page, therefore I went ahead and positioned my artist accordingly to gain this style. I positioned her laying down, her head on the right hand side following her body through to the left and as I wanted to position her legs on the left hand side of my contents page, I positioned her legs in this way to ensure the reader could see both shoes to emphasise this statement item. I directed my artist to hold direct mode of address with a slight pout to give off a seductive pose. I also spread her hair out on the floor to emphasise the colour and largeness of it; I did this to support the statement she made in the article on the double page spread about how it is her hair that she believes separates her from other artists in the industry. I wasn't originally going to use the colour black in her clothing however, I when I tried leg-wear on with the outfit she was wearing I felt that they suited the style and look and didn't look so black due to the other yellow and brown/beige  items she is wearing.

Here is the image after I made the appropriate editing techniques to gain a final image for my contents:

Firstly I cropped the image slightly on all four sides to gain more of a focus to allow it to be easier when I came to editing other features of the image. I then filled in the background of the image in black to fit in with the black background on my contents page using an appropriate tool to do so on Photoshop. I then increased the colour temperature of the image to increase the yellow colour in the top she is wearing and the blonde tones in her hair to compliment and upkeep the theme of yellow in the contents page. I then increased the contrast and brightness to gain an effective and striking look of the image. I was really pleased when I saw that the black leggings still stood out upon the black background; Due to  the editing I applied onto the image I realised that the leggings had been outlined with a touch of colour and I admired this effect as I felt that it defined the leggings even more which allows them to stand out upon the background.

Here is the original photos taken of the artists to stand as a Hiphop duo called 'CLONED' on my contents page; 

I took this image of my Hiphop duo with a 'quirky' and 'fierce' style in mind. I chose for the two artists to wear the same black bandeau to reinforce the name 'CLONED' and to represent their 'togetherness'; through the usage of this top half clothing I wanted to suggest sexual tones to upkeep this theme within the Hiphop genre and essentially my music magazine. To begin with, I wanted the two artists to pose the same body language however when it got to actually shooting the images I realised that I admired the contrasting positioning through their bodies to suggest a 'quirky' and 'different' style. However, I wanted the artists to display similar facial expressions to reflect a 'fierce' and confident look; I directed the artists to pose with  'growl' look through their mouths and I admire their different attempts to do as it reinforces the contrasting theme I have gained through the contrasting body language. I directed the artists to hold direct mode of address to also suggest confidence and domination to engage the reader. I aim to fill the background in black on Photoshop so the image fits and blends with the black background of my contents page. I also want to edit the colour using effects to increase the brightness and contrast and to also increase a yellow tone of colour through the image to compliment the yellow in my contents page.

Here is my final image;

I have filled the background in black using the appropriate tool on Photoshop. I increased the brightness by 20%, and the contrast by 40%; I wanted to increase the contrast more than the brightness to gain a striking and an effective image. Using a colour tool, I increased a yellow tone of colour to appear through the image to gain a yellow/orange effect to compliment the yellow in my contents page. I cropped the left artist's arm for it not to seem that much longer than the right artist's arm, however I did not crop it to the exact size as I realised the length of the arm made an impact in the style and positioning of her hand, therefore I only cropped it slightly to maintain the style of her hands.

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