Monday 13 February 2012

Textual development- Front cover;

I want to include a tag-line next to my title design on my front cove, like the two examples below. I want my tag-line to relate to the genre of my music magazine and for it to be a catchy and appealing to differentiate my magazine to other.

Here are three tag-line ideas for my front cover;

'Hiphop at its finest'
'Redefining Hiphop'
'Hiphop taken to the next level'

 I have incorporated the genre in each three possible tag-lines as I feel that it is important to reinforce the genre to appeal to consumers. I have also created short yet catchy quotes to support the magazine in allowing it to become recognisable and remembered by previous or potential consumers. Tag-lines which typically support the title of Hiphop magazine's are normally competitive and are ones which attempt to differentiate themselves from others e.g 'Taken to the next level'  furthers what the magazine has to offer in comparrison to other magazines as it suggests that the other magazines are on a level behind; I was inspired to create this tag-line from the first example above of XXL'S magaizne tag-line.  By incorporating the term 'finest' in the first example, suggests that it is only in my magazine that Hiphop is at its best, again comparing and degrading other magazines. I have chosen to use:

'Redefining Hiphop'

I feel that the shortness of this tag-line is what makes it catchy and appealing for consumers. It brings originality to the magazine by the use of 'Redefining' which shows that the magazine is attempting to make a unique mark on the industry to show the growth of the genre and the space for individuality within it. I did not want to connote power and status in my tag-line as I have feel that I have done this through the title name 'Superior' instead I wanted to suggest originality in my magazine,
Here is a reminder of my title design of my magazine: 

I have edited this title design from the original slightly, by adding a bold font on to the letter to emphasise the title even more. As the title design of my magazine holds a yellow block background theme through the text, I would like to upkeep this style of font in my tag-line:

Redefining Hiphop

As I am using Tyra as my main image on my front cover, I am going to be creating text to support the image and her article in the magazine. I have been inspired by the text which supports the image of the two artists in the example to the right. I admire where it has been positioned and I also am inspired by the use of the term 'DOMINATION'. I am going to use this term in the text to support the image of Tyra, however I want it to read 'TYRA'S DOMINATION'. The use of the term 'DOMINATION' supports the power connotation which foreshadows the name of my magazine 'Superior' and the style of image I have in mind to use on my front cover. 

Here is the text design I aim to use for 'TYRA'S DOMINATION':

T Y R A ' S

I want to use Georgia font for the text of this, and I want to create a shadow effect of the text by moving the 'Domination' higher and closer to 'Tyra' to create this effect. I have chosen a grey font for 'Tyra' and black for 'Domination'  to allow the two to contrast whilst upholding conventions of colour schemes in the Hiphop genre. This decision may change depending on the style and colour of image I take and decisions of colour used for cover-lines.

I also want to display cover-lines to promote  'CLONED', 'HIP TOPS HITTING THE HIGH STREET' and what artists my magazine features. Below are the three cover-lines which I aim to use on my front cover:




Decisions on colour schemes and font of this text will have to be later during photo creation and mock up version so I can visually see what colours stand out upon the image I choose to use.

I am also going to be including the date of the issue and the price on the front cover...

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