Wednesday 1 February 2012

Influential contents pages + initial ideas;

As mentioned before I want to use the same artist for my double page spread, contents and front cover to present a unique selling point and main focus for my music magazine. Below are three examples of contents pages taken out from Hiphop magazine- VIBE which have inspired my thoughts and ideas on the creation of my contents:

First example: I admire the positioning of the image and text on this example; I like how the artist is the main attraction of the page as he stands as the only image and largest item on the page however he is positioned around the text to draw attention and importance to it also. I admire the black background which compliments the artist's clothing and allows everything on the page to stand out. I also like the facial expression of the artist as it a brings a sense of musicality to the page as he is displaying a 'singing' pose. 

Second example: I am influenced by the background colour of this example. I really like the fading effect which has been created incorporating dark to light grey vertically down the page. I admire the style of the photo which is displayed in this magazine; I like the positioning of the artist as she is situated around the contents text and it is almost if she is hanging up the 'V' on the page. Even though she is a large feature on the page her leg positioning draws appropriate focus and importance to the text which is the smallest feature on the page. I admire the 'V' which appears on the page as it reinforces the name of the magazine in a subtle and different way compared to the normal style of the name of the magazine, 'Vibe'.

Third example: This image of these two artists is what has influenced me in creating a second image for my contents page of a Hiphop duo. I am influenced by these two individuals and have two people which I can use similar to the look which they give off in this image. I admire the contrasting pose of the two individuals- one is pouting, one has a straight expression. However I like their similar positioning of their bodies, one hand on hip;I believe this suggests confidence. I also admire the leg positioning created between the two individuals; the leg positioning brings the two individuals as one and suggests their 'togetherness'.

Initial ideas;


I aim to use the same artist as I have for my double page spread on the contents however I want to include another image displaying another Hiphop artist to feature in my magazine.   Like the third example, I want to create a Hiphop duo to stand as my second artist; I have decided to create a duo as I feel that it will offer a variety of artists for the consumer to appreciate. I have found two individuals to use for the duo which are similar looking and will reinforce this through the name of the duo and unlike the third example, I will use similar outfits for the artist's to wear. I want the image of my original artist to be larger than the image of the duo  as I feel that it is still important for my original artist to dominate on the contents page as she stands as the main focus and USP of my whole magazine. I really admire the second example's style of image and aim to position my artist in the same sort of way to connote sexual references (sticking to the conventions of the Hiphop genre) and to provide an interesting position situated around the text. I want to ensure my main original artist is in different clothing to what she was wearing in the images for the double page spread to provide a whole different style and look for the consumer. The image of the Hiphop duo will appear smaller than the image of my original artist however I aim to take an image which is just as appealing and interesting to engage the reader.

I am really influenced by the background colour of the first example however if I am going to use it I want to ensure that the colour of the outfit both my artists are wearing contrast  hugely with the black background; I believe the black clothing that the artist is wearing on the first example does not stand out and want to ensure the clothing on both my artists appears noticeable against the black background. I aim to use different colours to what I have for my double page spread as I want the style and look of all three creations of my magazine to be different in some way to bring something new on each page for the reader to appreciate. I aim to use contrasting colours to follow conventions of 'upcoming' 'quirky' styles of Hiphop which I have reinforced in clothing colours for my artist on the double page spread. I think it is important that I include colours which are clear to see and which stand out on what ever they are up against. If I am to use a black background for my contents page like the first example I aim to use yellow and white colours for the text to compliment the yellow used in the title of my magazine and so the white can contrast with the black and follow conventions of colour schemes of Hiphop magazines.

As I aim to follow conventions of a typical Hiphop magazine to ensure my contents page appeals to its target audience I want to incorporate the word 'Features' as the heading of page numbers like the three examples above. I believe it is a sophisticated way of saying 'pages' and want to include this level of sophistication in my contents page. I also only want to include only a few features to provide the reader with to also follow conventions of Hiphop magazines; I will ensure these page numbers as appealing and hold a high level of importance to ensure I engage the reader. Unlike the examples above I want to call my contents page 'Inside' rather than 'Contents' and I also do not want to position the letters in the way they are in the examples above as I aim to present 'Inside' vertically across the page instead to make it clearer for the reader. I also want to include the month and year on the contents page in a larger form than the first example. I admire the 'V' as a subtle way of reinforcing the name of the magazine to the reader and would also like to include an 'S' or the full title name 'Superior' on my contents page as I believe it is really important to ensure the title is displayed in some way or another regularly through-out the magazine. Through my previous research of magazines I found that the publishers have understood the technological market and have used it to their advantage by promoting their magazine through technology. On my contents I wish to include a promotional feature which will advertise a subscription membership for consumers to make use of on all smart phones and computers. I also want to promote a digital version available of my music magazine to download on all smart phones, which will be cheaper than purchasing a physical print version to ensure my magazine can reach everyone.

I aim to position 'Inside' , the month and year at the top of the page, I aim to position my main image of my original artist at the bottom of the page in a similar sort of style as the second example and I aim to position the second image of duo artists more to the top of the page, smaller. I would like the 'Features' with the page numbers to appear on the right hand side in the page to follow conventions of the two examples and aim to lay the text out of the 'features' rotated to the left slightly to reinforce the 'quirky' look I want my magazine to hold.

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