Wednesday 11 January 2012

Influencial artist for images on my double page spread;

Here are several images of Hiphop artist, Nicki Minaj. These images have inspired me to create images similar for the artist in my magazine, especially images which are going to feature in my double page spread. Nicki Minaj is a global Hiphop female artist who produces current mainstream music with the focus of a Hiphop/rap genre. I listen to her music myself, and love her image therefore I believe she is perfect to use her as inspiration for the images of the artist I want to create for my magazine.

First image: This image influences my thoughts for ideas on a full length shot of my artist which I want to include on my double spread page. I am most inspired by the platform, bright orange, high heels that she is wearing; they perform as a huge statement accessory and contrast with the black lace she is wearing allowing them to stand out. Her posture and pose allow the reader to benefit of a view which includes the whole of her body as she is streched out in a flattering position. Her oversized, gold coloured necklace is also a statement item and compliments her huge hair. The lace body-outfit she is wearing suggests sexual relations, as it lace and the wholes in the design are large, revealing lots of her skin. The sexual connotations that may lie with this image can be supported by the genre of music she is devoted to, Hiphop; as mentioned before, Hiphop music tends to make refrence to sex. One of Nicki Minaj's records, 'Superbass' reads lyrics of: 'He just gotta give me that look, when he give me that look, then the panties coming off, uhh.' From the recognisition that female Hiphop artists create relations to sex in not only their music but their image, I need to ensure that my artist holds a level of sexual connotations in her image through her clothing.

Second, third and fourth image: These three images of Nicki Minaj influence my thoughts on ideas for close up and half-body camera shots for the other images I want to appear on my double page spread. I aim to use three or four images of my artist featuring in the article as well as a main full-length shot of the artist; similar to one of the examples of a  double page spread in the previous post, I want these other images to appear at the top of the page however unlike the double page spread that I researched, I want these images to be close up or half-body length shots instead of full length shots, to provide the reader with a variety of shots of the artist. It is the contrasting bright colours which appear in the second image which inspire me the most out of the image; Nicki Minaj has said to of brought a new style to the scene of Hiphop by breaking conventions. In example, colours such as black and red have appeared to be quite typical in Hiphop magazines as they seem to represent parts of the Hiphop culture, connoting aspects of power, mystery and danger; however Nicki Minaj is known for her use of bright and contrasting colours and this inspires me to enable my Hiphop female artist to follow her use of colours. The black and white colour scheme through the third image has influenced me to aim to create an image which is in black and white; I believe the black and white colour scheme suggests sophistication and supports her seductive facial expression. I aim to create an image which holds a black and white colour scheme to show the level of sophistication and sexual relations that my artist displays. I also admire the use of direct mode of address in the image; I believe it is an eye catching aspect of the image and stands as a persuasive technique to grab readers in. The fouth image also influences me in my thoughts for a close up shot image that I want to place at the top of my double page spread- along with others. Nicki Minaj's lips are my most admired feature of this image; I wish to create an image where my artists lips are the feature which holds the most colour. I believe the lips also hold sexual connotations, and I wish to use red lipstick on my artist instead of pink to suggest a level of sophistication instead of following the 'Barbie' connotations that pink lipstick shadows.

Fifth image: This image also inspires me on ideas for images for my double page spread. I am most influenced by the pose Nicki Minaj is holding in this image. The pose displayed in this image is different to the previous images and I believe it brings some humour and 'fun' to the image. I would like to create an image for my double page spread which provides the reader with a humorous pose however I do not think I will use this technique for my main full length image; I wish to use a humorous photo for one of the four images of close up/half body shots of my artist which are to appear at the top of the double page spead instead. I also admire the background colour and effect which this image displays. It provides the reader with a darker pink and a lighter pink colour scheme, travelling vertically down the page which gives a fading effect. I admire this fading effect used for a background and I aim to use this technique for the page which holds the main full-length shot of my aritst.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing your version of the Minaj style -but don't hang about. Time is slipping away.
