Monday 23 January 2012

Name of magazine development;

As mentioned in my proposal, I have three ideas for names of my magazine; 'XXO', 'Mixxx' and 'Superior'. I carried out a questionnaire using 20 of my peers within the age group of my target audience to come to a final decision of the name of my magazine. I need to come to a decision now as on my double page spread, I have discovered I need to reinforce the name of my magazine at the bottom of each page, which will appear next to the page number.
From the results, we can see that 'Superior' was the favourite choice. I was very glad with what the results displayed as this or 'Mixxx' had been my favorites from the start. 'Superior 'connotes the power aspect which is linked with the Hiphop genre and will also compliment the types of images I am aiming to create; confident, forward and power associated types.  

Title design development; 

This is the font and colour scheme that I want to create for the title of my magazine. I have created a yellow block background for the grey text to sit on so it can contrast by standing out. The aim is for this title design to sit upon a white or grey background, but I will later decide when in progress of my front cover. I needed to design the title as it is a feature I want to include on my double page spread to reinforce the magazine as it will stand as a reminder for readers. This title design will appear at the bottom of my double page spread, on both pages, next to the page number. I created this title design using the program, Photoshop. I had to create the colour grey using the available feature to do so; I did not like the grey provided by the program as I found it too light, therefore I created different greys, which were a lot darker, untill I was eventually satisfied. To the right is a shot of the feature I used to create the colour I wanted, at the bottom of the swatch colour list, is the grey I eventually used. 

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