Monday 9 January 2012

Practice double page spread + proposal for my music magazine;

I put a together a practice double spread page on Indesign today; I found this very useful as it refreshed my memory on the program itself and enabled me to feel more comfortable when working through the tools available. I learnt how to put columns on to a double page spread, how to rearrange text, how to place a heading and sub-heading, and how to place an image. As I am going to be creating my double page spread first out of all 3 creations, these are all basics things I will need for the construction of it and I am glad I had a practice before hand.

Proposal for my music magazine 

I aim to target an audience which consists of both males and females, aged 18-30. I do not want my magazine to have a target audience which is just targeted at one gender as I believe it limits the number of readers and also would not relate to the genre of my music magazine as the genre I am going to draw a focus to is targeted at both genders. When researching magazines with the same genre, I found that Vibe magazine targets females and males 18-34 years and XXL magazine- 15-34 years. I also aim to connote sexual relations and use taboo language therefore making my target audience aged 18+, I will be able to do this.


The musical genre I aim to use is, Hiphop. TheHiphop genre is a huge genre consisting of lots of artists therefore this will make it easier for me to be inspired and influenced when creating the images and styles to feature in my magazine. I have chosen this genre as its a genre that I would tend to associate myself with; I have always loved listening to this type of music and am intrigued by the Hiphop culture and scene. It is also a genre that is appreciated by many people, and is continiously growing consisting of upcoming and new artists which bring their own sense of style to the industry, so audiences are never bored. Even though the Hiphop genre holds many conventions which the artists and culture seem to follow, the new and upcoming artists are bringing something new and different to the scene; I have understood this and aim to bring this to my magazine as well as following conventions.

I am going to create the front cover, contents page and a double page spread for my Hiphop music magazine; I aim to use the same artist for each of three creations I am designing to put forward a USP for my magazine- the artist. The artist I want to create will be a new and upcoming  British female Hiphop artist which has been hugely influenced by other new faces of the HipHop scene such as Nicki Minaj. I want to create images of my artist which are modern, quirky and interesting as I believe this will attract audiences which have not heard of her before easily. 

Title names that have come to mind so far are, Superior, Mixxx, XXO. Each name holds connotations which relate to aspects of the HipHop genre. In example, Superior, connotes the power aspect which is usually associated with the genre, Mixxx connotes musical elements as you usually mix songs or DJ equipment and the name, XXO, inspired me through the name of an existing HipHop magazine, XXL. 

I aim to incorporate technological devices within my magazine as through my previous research I found that most magazines today are understanding the current technological market and are using it to their advantage to provide more modern and easier ways of accessing their magazine. I aim to promote current social media sites on my double page spread as other ways for readers to find out more information on my artist. In addition to this I aim to promote apps available for consumers to make use of on their iPhones. I aim for the app to be a promotional aspect for technology and my artist as the app will be associated with them. 

I am going to ensure my music magazine is published by Intermedia Partners. This publishing company publish Vibe magazine each month, which is a Hiphop music magazine also. The company have reinforced the magazine online as well as still selling physical print issues too and I would like the company to allow my magazine to be accessible online as well as in the shops. Vibe magazine also belong to a conglomerate company called Vibe Lifestyle Network and I would like my magazine to belong to this network also to promote my magazine widely and to gain financial support.

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