Sunday 8 January 2012

XXL music magazine;

Having researched many magazines and their music genres, I have now decided that I want to create a music magazine with the focus of R&B and Hiphop genre. Having deconstructed three music magazines with this genre, I was most influenced by XXL in terms of style, image, layout + positioning. I had never heard of this magazine before I came across it during research and the following is more of a detailed insight into the magazine so then afterwards I will have more of an idea on the creation of my own music magazine.

XXL is a music magazine produced and published by Harrison publications devoted to the music genre of HipHop and was first founded in 1997. The music magazine is available in a physical print and also holds a website which provides Hiphop news, original content and content from the magazine which holds a focus in and around the artists which specialise in Hiphop.  

The magazine incoporates social media to promote and expand their magazine online such as Facebook and Twitter. I can see that XXL have understood the growing social media market and incorporated their magazine in to global social media to make their magazine more accessable by using current and easy ways to get it 'out there' to consumers. I want to make sure that my magazine incorporates other types of media to connect globally with potential consumers. I believe by incorporating other social media also allows people to recognise the target audience of your product. Social media is a current, new, growing market which relates to the genre and audience of XXL and the music magazine I want to go on and create. The genre is current and growing-Hiphop and the people who consume this genre are typically young 15-35 so it makes sense to incorporate a current, new and growing market for the magazine to be consumed.

The photos which feature on the front cover of XXL magazine issues;


All three magazine front covers hold an image which is fairly close up, they all hold direct mode of address as they are either making eye contact with the audience or just looking out to the audience, and each are shot alongside an object of some sort. The first image is the front cover with Ludacris on, the image is shot of him and a camera, the second image on the second front cover is of Doctor Dre and he is behind a board of chess, and the third image on the third magazine is of Jay Z who has a cigar in his mouth. These objects are interesting to me as they bring something different to a typical magazine front cover; not only is it the artist which is featured on the front cover, but an artist with an interesting object alongside them. This has influenced me to shoot an image for my front cover with my artist situated with or alongside a particular object; I believe it brings something new to the typical music magazine as none of the objects are even suggest connotations to the music industry.

All three images are the only image on the front cover, and the rest of the features which the page consists of are cover lines, and the title; this suggests that XXL magazine front covers are typically simple but hold enough to grab potential buyer’s attention. The biggest text apart from the title appears to be the artist who features on the front covers, name. This suggests they are the USP of the magazine are featured in it to appeal to the target audience the most.
The colour scheme through-out all three front covers are very coordinating and similar to each other. They all consist of white and red text with the exception of the second front cover using blue and yellow colours for some of the text. I like the colour schemes which are used on all three and throughout my research of Hiphop magazines I have discovered it the colours are rather conventional and I am thinking of using these colours in my own magazine front cover.
The layout of all three is similar; the title is positioned top left always, the main image covers the whole page and the text is situated around it. I like the layout as I think it is clear to read and notice all the features however in my magazine I would like to include more interesting styles of font and positioning to allow it to become more attractive and appealing.

Contents page analysis;

The contents page for XXL seems to follow the same style as most of their front covers, simple, minimalistic, and colour coordinating. ‘A-side’ is the largest text on the page and is the first thing that may grab the audience’s attention and makes them read on; it is located at the top of the page, in a banner style. The font is sans-serif which relates to the modern market which the XXL is aimed at. The current issue date is placed at the top of the page to fill the space and alongside this there is a smaller version of the title in alignment with the list of pages and their headings, this is used to remind the audience that they reading XXL; the name of the magazine is repeatedly displayed beyond the front cover and within the magazine to enable the current reader to possibly recommend the magazine to others, subscribe or even access their online website.

This contents page was taken from the magazine which holds the second front cover above- the one which features Doctor Dre as the main image and again he is used here. This reflects his significance within the magazine and also suggests the unique selling point of the magazine once again. He is wearing black on the image in the front cover of the magazine and here he is shot in black too; the colour black is a conventional colour worn by most artists following a Hiphop genre and connotes power and mystery. The shot of Dr Dre presents him as a dominate figure in power due to his posture and pose. In addition to this the low angle shot allows him to look bigger than he actually is which also represents him in power or superior to others. The spacing above his head is filled with a quote stated by the artist allowing the reader to want to read on and turn to his article. The image of Dr Dre stands in front of a shadow and this is an effective and attractive feature to the contents page which subtly appeals to the audience visually.
Above the list of page numbers alongside their headings, reads 'Cover Story' allocating the reader to the main article which the magazine features; this persuades and interests the reader to go to this article before they have even started to read the other page references. The rest of page numbers and their descriptions consist of bold and larger text for the heading and the description appears to be of a lighter colour and not as bold font; this suggests the importance of the header over the description.

Double spread page analysis;

  This double spread page taken from XLL is taken up by text and image and from this example we can learn that the image has more dominance and presence over the text. This is the article which Doctor Dre features in and it from the same issue of XXL which he appeared on the front cover and in the contents for. The whole double spread appears in black and white and this suggests a level of sophistication however it also reflects a dull and boring mood which the two pages seem to hold. Doctor Dre holds an emotionless expression yet holds direct mode of address with the audience. Again, he is wearing black which connotes power and mystery however he does not hold a dominant presence like he does in the other images within the magazine, in fact he doesn't communicate anything in this image which is disappointing as he is a huge star and the audience have been given the privilege to share the article with him.

The title of the article is the largest text on the two pages and is situated above the text of the article; it is black text which stands out in front of the white background. The rest of the text on the page is a whole lot smaller yet still black to contrast with white background; the questions are in bold whereas the answers are not which gives difference to what are the questions and what are the answers.
There is not a lot more to this double spread page than image and text however it does communicate the end of the continuous build-up of Doctor Dre; he was the main focus of the front cover as he featured in an exclusive interview with XXL. I like the sophistication of this double spread, and I find the simplicity of it appealing too however I do think it would of become more appealing if it include more colour; however this was the style/theme that XXL was keeping to with the focus of him so therefore it would of looked out of place if there was a sudden use of pink and orange around him. I like the idea of the text being on one page and the image on the other and this particular double spread page has influenced me to follow this layout in my double spread page.

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