Saturday 14 January 2012

Influencial masthead +sub heading positioning and content;

I aim to provide readers with a masthead which stands as the largest text on the page. Like this example of a double page spread which features an article with Nicki Minaj , I want the name of the artist I am going to use, to appear as the masthead, however unlike this example I do not want text above it.

I aim to provide readers with a sub heading which I want to appear directly underneath the masthead. Like this example I want the masthead to be the artists name and I want the sub heading to appear underneath. I'd like my sub heading to be the same length as this example.

Potential names for my female artist to feature in my magazine;





I carried out a questionnaire using 20 of my peers to come up with a final decision of a name for my artist. Here are the results:

From the results, I have decided to use the name, Tyra, for my artist that I want to use for the front cover, contents page and double page spread in my magazine. It was the most popular choice of names chosen by my peers and I was very glad that the results displayed this as it was my favourite choice. I chose the name Tyra as I believe it will suit the female I am using to feature as an artist in my magazine. Hiphop music culture is associated very much so with America therefore this name for an artist is perfect as the name originates from America.

Text font ideas for masthead on double page spread;

T Y R A (1)
T y r A (2)
T Y R A (3) 
 T Y R A  (4)
TYRA (5)
I carried out a questionnaire using the same 20 peers to help me make a choice of what  kind of font to use for the masthead which will feature on my double page spread. These 5 fonts were my favourite types of fonts however I wanted feedback from my peers. Below is the results on what they chose as their favourite option.

From the results we can see that the 4th option was their favourite and again luckily this was my favourite too so I was happy with the choice. I aim to use this type of font for the masthead on my double page spread; I admire the spacing of the letters of it, it suggests dominance and superiority which I want my artist to hold in the double page spread. It is also clear to read.

This is the colour scheme I want to use for my masthead on my double page spread:


I have chosen the colour red for the 'T' of the masthead and black for the rest of the font as I want to follow conventions shadowing the HipHop genre. From previous research I recognised common colours which were usually found in HipHop music magazines and these colours were red and black; red and black connote power and mystery and lyric quotes which I have picked out in previous research supports this. My artist is a upcoming new artist therefore I want some features and aspects involving her to be different and contemporary however I want to upkeep the conventional colour scheme of the HipHop genre. 

Subheading ideas;

Here are three examples taken from two different HipHop magazines, The Source and XXL:

The first example is an image of a subheading which is situated in between the reflection/shadow effect of the masthead. The content of the subheading displays a very brief line about the current state of the artist and then finishes off with a quote from the article which is to follow. I admire the reflecting effect of the title and the choice of location for the subheading; it is interesting and different from past music magazine positioning of the title and subheading. 

The second example is an image of a subheading which reads just a quote from the article which follows. I admire the content of this subheading as it provides the reader with the most significant quote from the article to intrigue and interest the reader to ensure they read on. 

However, I am most influenced by the first example as it includes a quote as well as a brief insight in to the artist's current affairs; I aim to follow this choice of content for my subheading, providing the reader with what I believe as the most significant quote from the article too. Also the first example has inspired me to display the subheading in an interesting way subsequent to the masthead as I believe it will allow my double page spread to look more appealing. I aim to situate my sub heading underneath the title however I would like to position it so it vertically reads down the page instead of horizontally keeping to the same length/level of the masthead. I would like the font of my subheading to appear in a simple font like example two however in a grey colour. 

1 comment:

  1. Which of these fonts do you consider to be best for your genre?
