Monday 30 January 2012

Double page spread development;

Flatplan of double page spread;

I created a flatplan of my contents page to ensure that when it came to the creation of my first mock up of it I was able to follow a structure of layout and positioning.

I put together my first attempt of the creation of my double page spread with unedited images, unaccurate text + image positioning and absence of quote following the structure of my flatplan. I have put a first attempt together as a practice and subtle guidlines in what I want to achieve in my final design. I have a lot of changes to make but I have found it very useful doing a mock up as it has highlighted any errors and room for changes which I can add to my final design later.
Here is my first attempt:

Changes and development after mock up

Here is an image after I processed the appropriate editing skills on to the three images:

I have placed a 'thick thin' border line around each image. I have chosen a black border for the first image, a red border for the second, and a grey for the third. My choice of colours was influenced by the existing colour scheme on the double page spread, I feel that the colour of the borders compliment the colour scheme through out the two pages. I have also rotated the first and third image slightly; I have rotated them opposite ways to each other to create a reflecting and contrasting look which is also reinforced through the different facial expressions. The style of the borders also suggets a 'frame' therefore bringing a sense of 'fun' to my double page spread as well as to the artist herself. I also had to edit the paragraphing spacing in order to fit the article text around where the dips of the border enter the collumns to ensure it looked neat and in line. As I have chosen to place a border around these three images, I felt that the exsisting background colours of the three images were suitable for my double page spread as they were; therefore I did not fill in the backgrounds white to blend in with the background behind due to the presense of the borders in place. 

I have decided to edit the first full-length main image on Photoshop to gain a white background behind my artist throughout. Here is the finished version:
I did not want to edit the colour scheme or any other effects on to the image  as I wanted to keep the same style of images through-out the double page spread however I have cropped out her shoes as I felt that as the original photo did not show all of the shoe, it would be better to crop them out all together as they didn't hold any importance or dominance within the image. As shown on the flatplan above, I originally wanted the main image to be located on the right page, next to the middle margin of the page, however due to paragraphing and text difficulties I could not stick to this plan after trying it out on my first mock up, however I prefer the final positioning of the image as I feel that the reader will be benefited on both pages through images rather than just one; it spreads them out and takes away the 'messy' and 'busy' look from the second page which it held when the image was situated there. 

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